Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gypsy- audition practise

Today was great- Hana came over with Buzz and Hana practised some of the games for the Northland Games competition...Lots of fun and I practised and was filmed by Hana for the audition level 1... It's great to see the video and work out all the fumbles etc before doing the real thing. I did a lot better than I thought I would though- thankYOU hana I really appreciate your help... Having a plan certainly does shunt you in the right direction and it actually works for me...set a deadline and then work towards getting the goal ON TIME - sometime that works and other times I realise that I need to put a lot more work into that particular thing....One thing I do know is that the 7 games most definitely lead into everything else you do and making the playday course and changing the games often helps me and the horse.
We even got to do a lot more than I usually do simply because I learnt to leave it alone when we got it right..Other thing Which was a BFO (not FBO hee hee) was that on the circle I was NOT really going in to neutral when Gypsy went behind me- my life was still up- so I became Mrs saggy NO LIFE when she went behind me and everything went like a dream...Love it!!!!!! I am learning more about ME all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great how much we learn...I become more obsessed with Parelli by the day!!

    Love to read your progress...looking forward to catching up soon!
