Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back into it

I haven't been on here for a much has been going on and I haven't had a lot of spare time...BUT today it is fine again...Cold after all that beautiful warm weather we've I suppose it MUST be WINTER now...When I look out the window I know it is because the mud is back....It is usually about this time of the year I am gearing up for another 2 Kai colts to arrive...feels a bit empty without them arriving this year... So I decided to go and spend some quiet time with my little herd....I discovered the hunt going over the top of the hills and the hounds coming precariously close to where I had my horses behind a tape....Sarg was snorting back and forth and all the others were just watching with great intent...When it got too much for them the 5 of them would go to the end yard- I had this all open in case it rained- the stall and all the yards- and when it's wet they go in and out at their leisure...Today they were ripping up & down the small paddock and this turned to mud in no time...Not to worry I put them all out on fresh grass once the hunt had finished....Megan and I took all their covers off and gave them all a good grooming. They were all hyped up so it took a while to settle them down even Louka was fidgety today- then we decided to do Maxwell and Oscar as they haven't really been handled for a while...Maxwell was great  stood beautifully quite settled while he was groomed and had his feet picked out etc...He is such a funny wee chap- has a character like none of the others...he is filling out nicely now and even his funny little mouth is widening- such a charismatic chap, he really is learning good manners now and just loves the attention...Oscar was good too, he was the muddiest of all and it took quite some time to get all the mud off him- he hasn't been in a cover yet- that's the next step...He will let us pick up all of his feet without any fuss now and we are able to groom him from tip to toe. Thankfully all the things we had taught him he hasn't forgotten, so played some friendly games with him and then they went out into the big paddock as well.  Interesting _ Just lately Sarg & Louka seem to have paired off and Gyspy and the 2 younsters (Maxwell & Oscar) seem to spend more time together. I think Gypsy has taken on the role of being in charge of these 2...Maybe she thinks Sarg and Louka are big enough to be out on their own now.....So I think I'll put Sarg & Louka into a paddock of their own and give Gypsy some time with these 2 youngsters and see what happens...Maxwell has learnt heaps from her already.

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